Safety Driving Tips for the Summer

Safety Driving Tips for the Summer

The weather is getting warmer and that means more people will be hitting the roads for vacation. While it is always important to drive safely, it is especially important during the summer months when there are more cars on the road and people are in a hurry to get somewhere. In this blog post, the team at AGLC DUI School is here to discuss some safe driving tips that everyone should keep in mind while they are behind the wheel.

a man with his hands on the steering wheel

Pay Attention to the Road & Slow Down for Road Work

One of the most important things to do while driving is to pay attention to the road. This means not only watching for other cars, but also being aware of potential hazards such as potholes, animals, and construction. It is also important to give yourself enough time to react to any potential dangers.

Additionally, there tends to be more road work during the summer months. It’s essential that you keep an eye out for road work, be cautious of construction workers, and follow all road work signs regarding speed, lane changes, and more.

a turn signal in a car

Use Your Turn Signal

Another safety tip is to always use your turn signal when you are changing lanes or turning. This might not seem like a big deal, but it helps let the other drivers know what you are doing. It also gives them time to react so that there are no accidents.

A speed limit sign that says 25

Drive the Speed Limit & Beware of Speed Limit Changes

AGLC DUI School reminds you it is also important to drive the speed limit. Not only is driving too fast dangerous, but it can also lead to costly speeding tickets. If you find yourself in a hurry often, try to leave a little earlier so you can drive the speed limit without feeling rushed.

Summer is a great time to travel. However, you must be cautious about changing speed limits as you travel out of town. Speed limits can change quickly, and it’s essential that you know the proper speed to drive for your safety and the safety of others. You can learn more about this at the Defensive Driving Class from AGLC.

a woman with her hands on a steering wheel

Never Drive Under the Influence

Finally, always remember to never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is not only illegal, but it is also extremely dangerous. If you are going to be drinking, make sure to have a designated driver.

At AGLC, we offer a DUI Risk Reduction Program designed to educate drivers on the risks involved with drinking under the influence. This class can be taken virtually and is ideal for those who are required to take a DUI class by the state after an offense.

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Wear Protective Eyewear

The sun can make it more difficult to see the road, oncoming traffic, and other obstacles while driving. During the summer months, it’s especially important to wear sunglasses to enable you to see better.

By following these safe driving tips, you can help to make the roads a safer place for everyone. Remember, driving is a privilege and not a right. If you can not drive safely, do not get behind the wheel.

Looking for more driving safety tips? Check out our blog post on winter driving safety! AGLC DUI School offers our DUI/Risk Reduction program and defensive driving classes. Register now and have a safe and happy summer!